Portsmouth West Schools will be on a two hour delay on Friday - January 21, 2022. However, bus service will not be available on the following roads: Hardscrabble and Howard Lane.
almost 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
Due to the significant increase in COVID cases, quarantine notifications, symptomatic students and absences, Washington Nile Schools will be learning virtually January 13-19. We will be back on a regular schedule beginning January 20th. Students should log in to their google classroom to retrieve assignments. All extracurricular activities will be suspended during this period to include both practices and contests. Buses will not perform home pick-ups but will continue to operate from the high school to the CTC and other off campus locations. Staff members should report as regularly scheduled. Upon returning to in person instruction we will continue to require masking while indoors. Per Ohio Department of Health guidelines, by requiring masks in school, maintaining social distancing and following sanitation protocols, students will not have to quarantine due to a close in-school contact unless they become symptomatic or test positive. In order for students to return and remain in school and to participate in extracurricular activities, we ask that our families follow recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Ohio Department of Health including avoiding large gatherings, maintaining social distancing and masking. Our goal is to keep students healthy as well as keep them in school. We will continue to monitor the COVID data for our district as well as information from our local health department and continue to make needed adjustments in our return plan. Again, thank you for your continued support. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.
about 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
Dear Washington-Nile LSD Community: The United States Center for Disease Control recently issued new guidelines for the COVID-19 Pandemic. We have updated our guidelines and they can be found on our website under the COVID portal. Additionally, as we experience increasing numbers of positive cases, if you or a family member have COVID symptoms or are currently being tested for the COVID-19 virus we ask that you please keep your child at home until you or the household contact are symptom free or receive a negative test result. Thank you for your cooperation and support as we continue to keep our staff and students as safe as possible.
about 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
Washington-Nile Local Schools will be dismissing early today in expectation of inclement weather. The High School and Middle School will be dismissing at 12:30pm. The Elementary School will be dismissing at 1:00pm.
about 3 years ago, WNLS District
Washington-Nile Local Schools is now accepting registrations for our new after school BEYOND THE BELL program. You can click here to register: https://wnls.pw/afterschool
about 3 years ago, WNLS District
Washington-Nile Local Schools is working on offering an after-school program, BEYOND THE BELL, for students. Tentative after-school hours are 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm. To help us plan, please take a few minutes to complete this survey: https://wnls.pw/afterschool/ Thanks!
about 3 years ago, WNLS District
Due to the significant increase in COVID cases, quarantine notifications, symptomatic students and absences, Washington Nile Schools will be learning virtually for the week of September 6-10. We will be back on a regular schedule beginning September 13th. Students should log in to their google classroom to retrieve assignments. Extracurricular activities, with the exception of varsity athletics, will be suspended during this period to include both practices and contests. Buses will not perform home pick-ups but will continue to operate from the high school to the CTC and other off campus locations. Upon returning to in person instruction we will continue to require masking while indoors. Per Ohio Department of Health guidelines, by requiring masks in school, maintaining social distancing and following sanitation protocols, students will not have to quarantine due to a close contact unless they become symptomatic or test positive. In order for students to return and remain in school and to participate in extracurricular activities, we ask that our families follow recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Ohio Department of Health including avoiding large gatherings, maintaining social distancing and masking. Our goal is to keep students healthy as well as keep them in school. We will continue to monitor the COVID data for our district as well as information from our local health department and continue to make needed adjustments in our return plan. Again, thank you for your continued support. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.
over 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
Due to the significant increase in COVID cases and quarantine notifications this fall, we have adjusted our return plan. Our goal is to keep students healthy as well as reduce the number of quarantines. Per Ohio Department of Health guidelines, by requiring masks in school, maintaining social distancing and following sanitation protocols, students will not have to quarantine due to a close contact unless they become symptomatic or test positive. Beginning Friday – August 27, 2021 It is REQUIRED that all staff and students wear masks when indoors and when using school transportation. ODH and the CDC assert that masks have been proven to be extremely effective in slowing the spread of the virus. We will continue to monitor the COVID data for our district as well as information from our local health department and continue to make needed adjustments in our return plan. Again, thank you for your continued support. Please continue to follow CDC and health department recommendations so that we are able to return to a more normal school setting as soon as possible.
over 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
We have scheduled the Scioto County Health Department to be at Portsmouth West High School on August 27, 2021 from 2:30 until 4:30 to administer vaccines to any employee, parent or student that chooses to be vaccinated (parent or legal guardian must be present for students under 18 years of age). They will have both Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson vaccines available.
over 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
Reminder for parents of incoming Kindergarten, 7th graders, and Seniors. We are looking forward to the return of our students! Do not forget to get your child’s required school immunizations before our return date on August 18th to avoid school exclusion. Call your doctor, health department, Wal-Mart, Kroger, CVS for an appointment.
over 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
Dear Parent/Guardian: As you are likely aware, national and state preparation involving COVID-19 (specifically the new variant) continues to be at the forefront of public health conversations. The health and safety of our students and staff is the number one priority at Washington-Nile Local School District. Based on strong recommendations from the Governor’s office, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), the National Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Scioto County Health Department, we will continue to observe many of the COVID Protocols that we implemented last school year. Students will report to school beginning August 18, 2021 in-person five days per week. The benefits of in-person learning are well documented and our goal is to keep students back in school. Our return plan will be posted on our website later this week. The following are core prevention measures for our district: • The Ohio Department of Health strongly recommends vaccinations for staff and eligible students. Vaccines are our best tool to protect students and prevent the spread of the virus. • It is strongly recommended that all staff and students wear masks when indoors. Masks are required on all public transportation including school transportation. ODH and the CDC assert that masks have been proven to be extremely effective in slowing the spread of the virus. Ohio researchers conducted an evaluation last year that showed that masking helped control the spread of the virus in Ohio schools. • Additional measures which includes improving ventilation, maximizing distance between people and practicing good hygiene will be followed. Additionally, our custodial staff is continuing to clean and disinfect our facilities daily. Be assured that we are working with health and government officials and continuously monitoring guidance from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) in order to act in the best interests of our students and staff. We will continue to share information with our community as the situation develops through email, social media, and our website. Thank you for partnering with us to mitigate risk to our students, staff and community.
over 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
Senator Summer Camp starts July 5th! The list of bus routes that are being run can be found here: https://5il.co/uzk3
over 3 years ago, WNLS District
Portsmouth West High School will be live streaming the Commencement Ceremonies this evening, June 4th, starting at 7:00pm. Please join us in celebrating our graduating class of 2021! https://youtu.be/oqkLIxLkirI
over 3 years ago, WNLS District
The PWHS Spring Awards Ceremony will be streamed live starting at 1:00pm. You can join us live on our district YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUK368HQJxI
over 3 years ago, WNLS District
In anticipation that the Pfizer vaccine may receive authorization for ages 12 and older very soon, the Scioto County Health Department is taking names for a waiting list for children age 12 and older who want the vaccine. To be added to the waiting list, please call the health department at 740-302-3801. Once the authorization is received, they will call you to schedule your child. Evening clinic hours will be available.
over 3 years ago, Tony Bazler
Please complete the information (by clicking on the link) if you are INTERESTED in sending your child to our Senator Summer Camp. The Senator Summer Camp begins on July 5 and ends on August 6. The camp will be offered Monday-Friday. The focus of the camp is reading and math (M-Th) and Reward Trip Friday. Transportation, breakfast, and lunch will be provided for all students. https://forms.gle/rTNFGzc9uhzi8q3N6
over 3 years ago, WNLS District
Portsmouth West High School is partnering with SOMC to offer a COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic for students aged 16 and older. The clinic for West students will be held at SOMC on Friday, April 23 from 9:00am-11:00am. PWHS will provide chaperones and school transportation to the clinic. Students may also provide their own transportation and enter through the front lobby doors. The clinic will be located on the left of the lobby beside the Gift Gallery. Students may have one adult visitor to accompany them if they would like. SOMC has provided a registration and consent form that MUST be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the school by Wednesday, April 21 at 3:00pm. These forms can be found on our school website under the COVID tab. Hard copies are also available for pick up in the high school main office. If you have questions about the vaccine, please contact SOMC Vaccine Clinic staff at 740-356-6485 or our school nurse at 740-858-3900.
almost 4 years ago, Tony Bazler
Senator Summer Camp will be held July 5 - August 6. More information coming soon!
almost 4 years ago, Danette Colley
Senator Summer Camp 2021.
2021 Prom Project at the Complex March 27th and April 3rd 10 AM to 3 PM
almost 4 years ago, Danette Colley
2021  Prom Project
Portsmouth West Alumni and Athletic Hall of Fame Nominations 2021. The Washington-Nile Local School District invites nomination for candidates to the Portsmouth West High School Distinguished Alumni and Athletic Hall of Fame 2021. This award honors alumni whose deeds and character exemplify outstanding achievement in their life’s work and/or service to their communities. Please go to our district website www.westsenators.org for guidelines and nomination form, or stop by the Board of Education office to pick up a nomination packet. 15332 US Hwy 52, West Portsmouth, 740-858-1111. Deadline for nominations is April 01, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Danette Colley